Sunday, January 12, 2014

Late Work

Late Work

Oh I don’t know bub 
should we migrate again this year
 to join the river we birds make across the sky
south from Michigan to the Bahamas
or better to repair the nest we had built in spring
for one season under the jack pine near the house

would we make it through another migration bub
look at the hawk high like a bent stick in light before dawn 
why am I no longer afraid now our young have left
us two in this once comfy nest now too large and now
while I philosophize bub and against your better instinct
you bring twigs and string and a red ribbon to feather our nest

Oh bub see the old man in the kitchen window
waiting for his pot of coffee before daybreak
if I could speak to him in the language I use for other birds 
I would say cat got your wife no well then hop back in bed
bend against her warmth and get up later
that’s for me bub that’s for me

Randy Evans

1 comment:

Randy Evans said...

Photograph of Lake Michigan by Mike Schlitt